

Just Like a Tattoo

I am writing this post exactly exactly 77 days after I returned from Europe.

There hasn't been a single day that has passed where I haven't thought about my trip a million and one times.  Every day I wake up and think about how lucky I am to have had that experience.  Everything I do reminds me of my time I spent abroad.  The people I met, the places I saw, the cultures I was immersed in, and the activities I got the chance to do, all add up to the most amazing four months I could have ever asked for.  I didn't realize it then, and I'm sure I don't even realize it to the full extent now, but living in a foreign country for four months changed me.  I have a much greater appreciation for cultural differences and the barriers minorities face on a daily basis.

I am already having European withdrawals, I would kill for just one more week there, living in that little house of ours!  I hope I never forget the memories I made while I was in Europe or how living there made me feel.  I spent the four months I was there excited and eager, awe-stricken and intoxicated with thrill.  Every weekend was a new place, a new opportunity, a new adventure.  I took full advantage of the time I spent there and I have no regrets.   

This trip and all the memories that I made along the way will stay with me forever.  I'll always have those times to look back on and this journal to read when the memories start to get a little hazy.

So thank you, mom and dad, for giving me such an amazing opportunity.  I couldn't have had this experience, one which came out to be the most enthralling, educational, and exciting four months of my life, without your help and support.  You guys are the most generous parents in the world, I love you.

And thank you, Kevin, for sticking by me every step of the way.  I know things were tough, between the distance, the time difference, and missing the heck out of each other, but you were always there for me when I needed you, and I will never be able to say thank you enough.

And thank you, study abroad trip, for teaching me things about myself I never knew, and for showing me some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, and for opening my eyes up to a whole new world.  You're on my heart just like a tattoo...I'll always have you. 

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